City Officials
The Berne Common Council is elected every four years along with the Mayor and Clerk- Treasurer. The council is composed of four members elected from the districts as established and one at-large member. Each voter of the city may vote for one at-large candidate and one candidate from each of the established districts. The at-large candidate and the candidate from each district receiving the most votes from the whole city shall be elected to the Common Council. The members of council serve for four years, and can run for re-election as often as they wish. At the beginning of each year, the council elects one of its members to serve as President of the council to preside whenever the Mayor is absent.

The City of Berne city government is divided between the Mayor and the Common Council. The Common Council holds the city's legislative authority and makes the laws through ordinances, orders, resolutions and motions. The City Council has final authority over the city's property, finances and appropriation of monies. The mayor presides at council meetings and votes only in cases of a tie.