Police Department

Berne is located in Adams County in North East Indiana, and just south of Fort Wayne. The Berne Police Department is a full time department
serving a population of approximately 4,200 residents and is staffed with 7 full time Officers, 5 Reserve Officers and a full time Secretary. The Berne Police Department is a full service
24 hour a day, 365 days a year
In the early 1940’s the Department started out as a “Night Watchman” position. By the end of WW II, the position was declared as “Town Marshal”. From the Town of Berne, to now the City of Berne, our Department continues to grow as we proudly serve the citizens of Berne.
Police Chief Tim Taylor
Berne Public Safety Building
1160 W Main Street
Berne, Indiana 46711
(260) 589-2169
The Berne Police Department is located at: